TestNG support

We introduced TestNG support in tap4j 1.1. The integration between tap4j and TestNG is achieved through the use of a TestNG Test Listener (TestNG Listeners).

In order to be able to produce tap files with TestNG you have to tell/ TestNG that you will be using a Listener. This can be done through command line, suite xml file or Test class Listeners Annotation.

The classes for TestNG are inside org.tap4j.ext.testng package. The class TestTAPReporter extends TestListenerAdapter and generates TAP per class and per method. The class SuiteTAPReporter implements a IReporter and generates TAP per Suite and Groups. They were done based on the existing HTML report for TestNG.

Command line

java -classpath %CLASSPATH%;testng.jar;jcommander-1.5.jar;commons-io-1.4.jar;
aopalliance-1.0.jar;tap4j-1.4.3.jar;. org.testng.TestNG 
-listener org.tap4j.ext.testng.TestTAPReporter test\testng.xml

Don�t forget to check all the dependencies versions and directory location

TestNG suite xml

Add the following to your TestNG suite xml file in order to produce TAP Streams within your TestNG tests. Do not forget to add tap4j jar into your classpath during execution of the tests.

    <listener class-name="org.tap4j.ext.SuiteTAPReporter" />

Listeners Annotation

Add the @Listeners annotation to your Test class.

public class MyTestClass {